Interested in collaborating with My Philocaly?
For collaborations please contact mail@my-philocaly.com
Please note that I only collaborate with brands I love and use myself.
• Advertorial (Sponsored Posts)
• Brand Ambassador
• Social Media Campains
• Events
• Giveaways
• Product Placements
I am always looking to discover new brands so if you think I’d like your product please send an e-mail to mail@my-philocaly.com to request my postal address. Please note that samples are sent for consideration only and there is no guarantee that the product will be featured. If I love the product I always do my best to fit it in to my content. If you want a garanteed product review you need to purchase a sponsored post.
A detailed media kit can be provided upon request. Please reach out via mail@my-philocaly.com for more information.
Identification of Advertising
Authenticity is my top priority.
• Paid collaborations will be marked with „ANZEIGE / ADVERTISMENT„
• PR Samples will be marked with „*PR Sample„
Identification on Instagram:
•“[ANZEIGE / AD]“ in the caption
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